Bill Thibault

Bill Thibault


Bill Thibault lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He's created and performed with tools for a variety of media including 3D multichannel audio, multichannel video, and multi-projector display calibration. For many years he taught Computer Science at California State University East Bay. Occasionally he performs with various live musicians, using his software for improvised 3D graphics. During COVID he became obsessed with chess and worked on a projection-mapped chessboard.


"Camera-based Calibration for Scalable Immersive Rendering," William Thibault, ACM SIGGRAPH 2010, (Los Angeles, July 2010) (poster)

"Method for simplifying the imaging of objects with non-Lambertian surfaces," Niklas Lundback, Travis Threlkel and William Thibault, US Patent No. 7,717,574, May 18, 2010.

"Inexpensive Immersive Projection," Nancy P.Y. Yuen and William C. Thibault, Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR 2008) (Reno, NV, USA, March 2008).

"A genetic algorithm for solving the camera-projector alignment problem," Johnson, C.M., Bhat, A.P., and Thibault W., Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '06) (Seattle, WA, USA, July 8-12, 2006), Morgan-Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 2006.

``Grabbo by Tebo Software,'' in The BeOS Bible, Scott Hacker, Peachpit Press, 1999.

``Sound Traffic Control: An Interactive 3-D Audio System for Live Musical Performance,'' Naut Humon, Bill Thibault, Vance Galloway, Garnet Willis, Jessica Wing, International Conference on Auditory Display, Glasgow, Nov. 1998.

``Experiences in Digital Terrain,'' Bill Thibault and Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Leonardo Music Journal, Volume 7, MIT Press, 1997.

``Songlines.DEM,'' Bill Thibault and Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Proceedings of the 1992 International Computer Music Conference, San Jose, Oct 1992.

``Merging BSP Trees Yields Polyhedral Set Operations,'' Bruce Naylor, John Amanatides, William Thibault, Computer Graphics, 24(4),(Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '90), Anaheim, July 1990.

``Application of Binary Space Partitioning Trees to Geometric Modeling and Ray-Tracing'', Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, September 1987.

``Set Operations on Polyhedra Using Binary Space Partitioning Trees,'' William C. Thibault and Bruce F. Naylor, Computer Graphics, 21(4), (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '87), Anaheim, July 1987.

``Set Operations on Polyhedra Using Binary Space Partitioning Trees,'' (Video) William C. Thibault and Bruce F. Naylor, SIGGRAPH Video Review 26, 1987.

``Set Operations on Polyhedra Using Binary Space Partitioning Trees,'' William C. Thibault and Bruce F. Naylor, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Technical Memorandum TM 11386-870113-01TM, January, 1987.

``Application of BSP Trees to Ray-Tracing and CSG Evaluation,'' Bruce F. Naylor and William C. Thibault, Tech. Report GIT-ICS 86/03, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, February 1986.

``Architecture for a Global Operating System,'' M.S. McKendry, J.E. Allchin, and W.C. Thibault, IEEE INFOCOM 83, San Diego, April 1983.

``Class Constructs in Hardware Simulations'' (abstract), William J. Mitchell and William C. Thibault, 1981 ACM Computer Science Conference, St. Louis, February 1981.



These recordings were made with Jim Horton in Berkeley, CA in 1993 or so. "Bill and Jim play along with the electroacoustic masters" was later released as a cassette on Frog Peak Music. Jim's idea was to take a sample of famous or important works of electroacoustic music, then play along with it on our own instruments. Jim played his Atari ST and TX81Z, I played a hacked PowerGlove controlling software to mangle realtime audio input. An anagram of the name of each original piece was used to name each new one: try to guess the original names.



These are real-time recordings, mostly made using a camera or phone. Many more videos linked from the Performances page Most new videos wind up on YouTube here.

For Splendor Generator, three projectors were used: